Now offering semaglutide and tirzepatide for weight loss!

Who Are We?

Jay graduated from Mustang High School in 2008 (right after meeting Danielle!), and almost immediately joined the Oklahoma Air National Guard, where he became a USAF flight medic and deployed all over the world caring for patients in the back of aircraft.
He got his Bachelor’s Degree with highest honors in Biochemistry in 2015, and his MD Degree in 2019, both from OU. He completed his Family Medicine Residency in 2019, where he grew frustrated at the care most doctors are able to give when seeing dozens of patients every day. His patients spoke, and he listened, and made it a life goal to improve the accessibility and quality of patient care throughout the entire country. He continues to work in the military as a Flight Surgeon, and at local hospitals to keep up with his acute care skills. He is now working full time in this dream clinic in the heart of Downtown Oklahoma City.
He is nationally recognized for being an outspoken and caring physician, and is excited to grow his social media brand, The Well-Rounded Physician. His hobbies include karaoke, golfing (he’s terrible), music, and working on his yard and garden!
Danielle was born in western Oklahoma and has been an OKC dweller since 2006. She graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Science in Biology with honors in 2013 and completed her Master of Science Physician Associate Program at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in 2016. During one of her PA school rotations, she fell in love with rural family medicine and decided to venture to Buffalo, Oklahoma from 2017-2020 for her first PA job. She took care of patients in the clinic, the emergency room, and in the critical access hospital. This first job was pivotal for Danielle’s medical career as she saw everything from newborns to hospice patients. She loved the close relationships she formed with her patients in this slower-paced town.
Eventually, commuting 6 hours every week became too hard, so she moved back to OKC full time. From 2020-2023 she worked at a federally funded healthcare center that focused on uninsured, marginalized communities, undocumented immigrants, and the medically complex. While this job was very important in exposing Danielle to many types of people and very sick patients, she found herself missing the close relationships with her patients that she had in rural Oklahoma. After realizing this and facing burnout after the COVID-19 pandemic, she decided to not be another “cog” in the big medical system in America. She then decided to take the leap with her hubbie (AKA Dr. Vinnedge) and open a direct primary care in downtown OKC.
In her free time you’ll find Danielle puttering around in her garden, rocking out to Taylor Swift, cuddling with her dogs (Luna and Winston) while reading the latest fantasy book, or hosting her friends over at the house.
She loves seeing all kinds of patients, but has a particular love for helping patients with mental health, weight loss, as well as women's health (especially menopause care!)

Our Story

Jay and Danielle met in the Mustang marching band in 2007. They quickly started dating and…well, have been together ever since. After multiple proms, high school graduations, and starting college together, they decided to tie the knot. Jay proposed to Danielle while on assignment with the Air Force in Washington D.C. in 2012. He popped the question on New Year’s day while on a dinner cruise on the Potomac River. They decided to skip the big ceremony and 6 months later had an intimate wedding in Jamaica.
During their first year of marriage, Jay was deployed to Afghanistan and Anatartica. Their rescue pups, Luna and Winston, joined the family during this time. FUN FACT: Jay spent their one-year anniversary in Afghanistan while Danielle was studying abroad in Italy. After finishing college, they moved to downtown OKC to start their medical education. After many years of training and working (see the fun bios for details), they started dreaming about opening their own clinic in the fall of 2022. Another fun fact: they celebrated their 10th anniversary with a trip to Italy and Greece in the summer of 2022, so they made up for the lost one-year celebration.
Jay and Danielle love having their house filled with friends and family with lots of laughs and delicious foods. Together they have gone to music festivals, camped in national parks, explored the Bourbon trail, traveled to Europe & Australia, and have an adventure-bucket list too big to imagine. They love their pups, working on their garden, being involved with their neighborhood, exploring OKC, and discussing grandiose dreams at all times. They share a passion for medicine and taking care of people and there isn’t a day in the Vinnedge household where this isn’t a major conversation. Jay and Danielle are a passionate duo and hope to make The Little DPC an important part of downtown OKC healthcare.